After exploring 4 lfting sites and the practicalities of transporting a 14 foot wide paddle steamer through 9 foot wide streets, we finally decided on Richborough Quay-a derilict WW2 site owned by Raymac Holdings...not sure what they really do, but they have saved our bacon on this one as I've heard horror stories about steaming accross Pegwell Bay to lift out at Ramsgate!
Rob Kingswell, the absolute marvellous man that he is has orchestrated everything brilliantly-I think that if we had used any other haulier we would never have got Monarch out of the Kentish Stour and onto the Isle of Wight!
She arrived late on the ferry and we had to wait about 4 hours at Fishbourne for her to finally roll off, but the light had faded and it was decided that for safety on the roads she would remain over night in the marshalling yard. Dave and Debby from Brent Marine in Newport came with a bottle of Champagne to Island Harbour, but had to come back the next day to finally see her arrive to the hardstanding!
When the day came, she trundelled down the lane into the harbour and after much photograph taking she was lowered down onto blocks for the repainting and refitting to begin. We went over for a closer look and horror of horrors the paddle boxes were totally rotten along with most of the superstructure....things are not going to go to plan methinks!