Saturday, June 6, 2009

Flog It Auction Coming Up

Oooh eerrrr missus, we're going to be on the BBC! We're selling the engine console from the Ryde which we rescued last year for two for the boiler appeal and blatant publicity!
Yes, it's true, the crew of the Monarch are right tarts and love getting on the telly!
The valuation day was a bit of an experience in it's own right, but hugely enjoyable; and the presenter, Paul Martin, seemed very at home surrounded by his harem of admiring ladies!

Anyhow, the auction is happening on June 16th at Island Auction come on and bid! Maybe, just for a bit of a laugh, all Monarch supporters should wear gold, black and red clothes-just so we can spot you all-but please, no gurning...leave that to the skipper.

Anyhow, the boat is running beautifully and we are just getting ready to celebrate John Garside's (volunteer) wedding anniversary tomorrow on board. Last weekend we welcomed our first bridal party from Cowes aboard, they all enjoyed themselves and we paraded up and down the river for their photographer looking marvellous! Congratulations Amy and Dan, we wish you all the very best....and you looked fabulous!

Anyhow, until next time (and sorry for the delay in updating, I shall try harder next time)

The Skip